Our Mission
Saint Bernadette Catholic Parish in the heart of Lakewood Colorado, is an inclusive Christian Community committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ. We are strengthened by the Word of God and the Sacraments, guided by the Holy Spirit, and inspired by our Patronesses the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Bernadette Soubirous. We aspire to live our faith through the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy and follow our Lord’s command to call all to discipleship.

75th Anniversary party
The parish 75th anniversary Party was on September 10th! We had lots of laughs, fun, and games echoing through Doherty Hall! All communities of St. Bernadette parish were represented from the CCCD to St. Kateri community each bringing its own piece of culture to the anniversary! Click “here” or at the link below to see the a highlight of photos at the event!
St. Bernadette

Parish History

School and Convent

St. Kateri Catholic Community

40th Anniversary!
Capital Campaign
In 2018 we remodeled our Parish Alter! The building fund and Capital Campaign helped raise our alter! Through our community alone we were able to bring a beautiful new view to the alter!
For more information on What all went into the building fund click here